
Geometric abstraction emerged as a revolutionary modern art genre in the late 1800’s. In many ways, geometric art has the means of relating to the tangible aspects of life and living through the use non-representational shapes and forms. Two of the most notable initiators of this style of work were Wassily Kandinsky and Kazemir Malevich, both Russian born painters. My artistic goals are to expand on this art genre by creating my own personal brand of unique and complex linear-geometric imagery.

Major Influencers: Wassily Kandinsky, Clyfford Still, Piet Mondrian, Paul Cezanne, Fernand Leger, Paul Klee, Arshile Gorky, Richard Diebenkorn, Kazimir Malevich, Barnett Newman. 

Purchasing Art: Please contact me for the Pricing and Availability of each artwork shown.
