
– Matt Zedler

Modern || Modern Advanced || High Art || Painter || Artist

To me; Art, Love, and Nature are at the core of what is important here on earth. Love (i.e. in the truest and unconditional forms), is the metaphysical embodiment of highest form and most precious commodity of human capacity. Nature is within it’s delivery of raw beauty and pure truth, – Love’s equal. True Art (art’s highest forms), is once again the equal to both of these. Art in it’s base forms, tells us stories of our history and with that the struggles we go through as a race. It is in this form a marker of time. It leaves a timeline of our existence “for the record,” for others to study well after we are all gone. Modern Art (from the beginning) has always meant something more, – something else. For the true Modern Artist and Art Purist, it is significantly more profound than just a record of time. As a dedicated Modern (Metaphysical) artist and painter myself, I feel it’s my duty to deliver a message within the same philosophical vein that the first Modern Artists did. To help show this world all of the things it tends to miss, – all of those things “unseen.” A dedicated artist with a pure heart has the ability to evolve at an accelerated rate, as both a person and an artist. He or she over time develops a special ability to unlock the doors of the physical world, to a plane of deeper feeling and greater truth. Through this special evolution, the Modern Artist can help it’s viewers pass through this portal to a place of rarefied air. In the end giving those who truly comprehend the work, a more attuned consciousness of the human condition. This was true of Modern Art and the Modern Art movement in the 1920’s, and it is still equally true now. The premise of Modern Art is to gain access to the Metaphysical world and with that a higher level of consciousness. For the realities of life we so desperately seek to understand in this lifetime do not exist within our eyesight, – or moreover within any physical boundaries.

To discover more relative to Matt’s art passions, studies, and background, please visit the “Artist Statement” and “Bio” pages.

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life…”
~ Pablo Picasso ~